Customer locked their keys in the boot of this Aston Martin. We opened it for them after their recovery service couldn’t do it. This isn’t a car I see much in the Forest of Dean. Maybe it wasn’t as luxurious as a Rolls Royce I opened once, but it’s certainly more powerful.

Although the car may be a beast, it uses the same type keys and locks as an old Ford. Using other manufacturer’s locks fairly common in the car industry. Smaller manufacturers will often buy in locks from a larger manufacturer or use those from their parent company.
An auto locksmith has specific tools to open vehicles without damage. A recovery company may just bend the door open and try poking something in to pull a button or handle. The latter may damage the door, crack the glass, and probably won’t open a newer vehicle.
Several times now I’ve gone to customers with keys locked in the car who tell me the spare keys are in the glove. Apparently a breakdown service has told them to keep the spares there in case they lost the main set. That’s all well and good until somebody smashes your window to steal the contents of your car, because they can now steal the entire car too.