Car key cutting

Here is a photo of cutting a ‘laser’ type car key that has the bitting on the flat face. (It’s actually got nothing to do with lasers). This one is for VW T5 Transporter key. If you’ve lost your key, there clearly isn’t a key to copy.  If you don’t have the keycard, we can use special tools to decode the lock. We then send these settings to a computerised CNC cutting machine to cut the key.

The type of key cutting machine we use cuts a new key to code i.e. to the exact depths and measurements that it came new. A typical high street shop key machine is a trace cutter, that effectively just gives you another worn key that looks shiny. It will work just as badly as the original worn key.

Car key cutting

Using a CNC machine means an auto locksmith can cut you a key even you don’t have a key to copy. There are several methods they can use to figure out how the missing key should be cut.